The Northwest Georgia Joint Development Authority is ready and eager to help your company build, expand or find the perfect site in any of the four Georgia counties of Catoosa, Chattooga, Dade, and Walker. Location and planning assistance are available to your company through the Northwest Georgia Joint Development Authority, the state of Georgia, and area utility companies. The Northwest Georgia Joint Development Authority has an inventory of excellent buildings and industrial, commercial and tourism development sites in Northwest Georgia and the Chattanooga MSA. Additionally, a number of programs are offered to encourage new job creation and investment to each county and the State of Georgia: tax exemptions, tax credits, labor recruiting assistance, and Georgia’s Quick Start Training Program, among others. The Northwest Georgia Joint Development Authority can help businesses desiring to locate in Northwest Georgia determine the incentives that are available to you.
Whether it’s helping a company find the right building to start their business in or providing other information to help a potential business make informed decisions, the Northwest Georgia Joint Development Authority is ready to assist. The Northwest Georgia Joint Development Authority maintains data on area population and labor force, industry mix, location quotients, and much more. Additionally, the JDA’s inventory of available properties is supported by details of the properties and appropriate contact information.
Like it expresses in its mission statement, the Northwest Georgia Joint Development Authority’s purpose is to advocate for a better quality of life and to increase community wealth in the four counties of Catoosa, Chattooga, Dade and Walker. One of the advocacy tools the Northwest Georgia Joint Development Authority has created is the Top of Georgia economic development initiative. This initiative is the nonprofit fundraising device that enables the private sector to make tax deductible charitable contributions to help further the marketing efforts of the Northwest Georgia Joint Development Authority, and thus contribute to the economic development efforts of the community.
The Northwest Georgia Joint Development Authority, the state of Georgia and area utility companies are ready to offer location and planning assistance for your company. Utility companies offering assistance include Georgia Power Company, MEAG Power, North Georgia Electric Membership Corporation and the Tennessee Valley Authority. An inventory of ideal buildings and industrial, commercial and tourism development sites are available through the Northwest Georgia Joint Development Authority.